Bike is awesome! Ok, bike is still a piece of crap but new tires are awesome (at least until I get flat tire. I have not hit the pothole yet. The one I got previous 3-4 flat tires on)). If I had these tires on a good bike, I would be flying! My French bike was like that...
I cannot wait to see how "fast" (it is relative) I can go on my longer ride during weekend. I usually try to keep 18.5-19 miles/hour average on a paved road and then whatever I can get on a gravel road, so I hope to be able to do 20m/h average effortlessly on pavement. We shall see.
In work I talked to one girl about work, life and what I am going to do after school and stuff and I feel confident and there is a lot of opportunities out there and I can do whatever I put my mind into!
Then I went for a run. 5 miles. I took Garmin for the first time after like 2 months. I thought that that thing got broken or something during its hibernation because it was showing 7:15ish pace. But then I did my last loop a proper loop on a track so see and it was accurate, so I guess that was my pace. Ok, it was on a track, temperature was perfect and I have not really run in one month!!! Plus I ate 6 cookies and 3 brownies for lunch so I had extra energy:)
Afterwards I went to the store and they had watermelons on sale! Finally after 1 month going sans watermelon! I also got 13 yogurts that were on sale:)
I am also proud of my sister. Kinda. People say that volleyball players are very fit because they must jump run etc. But not my sister, she is LAZY. Before their season starts they must run sub-8min mile and if they don't they must run until they run sub 8. Their test was yesterday and my sister and her friend decided to start training last Wednesday and try one mile. They wanted to start little faster go have a gap, so they started and did first 200m in 35 sec...Well, my sister dropped out after 800m because she could not move and breath etc. Idiots:) So she asked me for an advice. My advice: you should have moved your butt past 2 months! I also told her that if I can do 26 consecutive sub-8 min miles, she should be able to do one lousy 8min mile. I guess she did not wanted to be a wuss so she managed to run 7:26 yesterday. I still think she is a wuss. It is NCAA volleyball!
So why this day was only "almost perfect"? It is Monday and they did not have bananas on sale. It seems that it is the end of Banana Mondays and Milk Wednesdays...
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1 month ago
Funny, your food fetishes:) You are one fast biker. I can't hit 20 MPH unless the road is flat or downhill! And you are a speedy runner. You should race!