You remember how I was saying that I need to keep better care of my body? Well, I ate madeleines as my lunch today. I am not going to tell you how many of them I ate and how many calories it was worth because I am way too embarrassed. Let's just say that if it had been my only meal for a day, I would have gottten my daily caloric needs pretty much covered.
And it was not my only meal (I have frozen pizza, peanut butter, apples, veggie salad)...
But I managed to fulfill at least one other resolution. I wanted to get new shoes in April, but I realized yesterday that the ones I have been using (for past 8 months +- 1-2months...I know, I am an idiot) are too worn out. Therefore I put on new shoes that have been sitting in my closet for past 2 months. Man did I feel a difference!!!
I am never ever going to be cheap on running shoes. Because I have so many sneakers (trail, road, racers, bike, normal walking, "church" sneakers and all those that are not usable anymore but am too cheap to throw them out yet), I do not feel good spending money on a next pair. My parents will be thrilled when they see all this if I will stop by in Slovakia before leaving for the US.
Running-wise, I did 12,5k today. Not the best run ever but not too bad. Since back from injury I have been doing my runs on flat paths when I can run on the grass/softer side without any downhills because they strain my knee way too much. Today I decided to go for a "normal" run. Part was on a trail, part on a road and there were down and up hills. I felt some unpleasant vibrations in my knee at 10k mark and I thought that I will have to stop, but I only slowed down (went from 5:12ish pace to almost 5:22pace) and it helped. But I think that I will stay on flat soft roads for next few weeks though.
I wanted to hit the gym (aka Prison) afterwards, but when I got there, it was closed for "travaux". I wonder what they were doing, maybe they will upgrade all those shabby old machines by new super cool stuff. Although I doubt it.
I did few minutes of yoga instead. But I have not find any really good videos on youtubes. I need to search more.
I wanted to try to walk to Paris tomorrow and I have mapped out the way to get there because I have not done that before, but I think I will go with guys volleyball team to Reims to play a cheerleader:)
And by the way, I still miss my bike. Yes, even after one week, I have not forgotten...and as days are nicer, I missed it more and more.
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1 month ago
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