Since I did the TT yesterday I did not do the track workout yesterday. But for the following weeks I am sticking to the T/Th track routine.
Today's plan was 800m w/up, 3x5x300m at little faster than 5k w/walk back to start(cca 1:05-1:10) w/ ~4min between sets. 3.3miles total.
This track has very weird markings. I started what I thought was 300m start but after I did first 5 at 56-57sec, I knew I was not startig at right mark.
Then I found what was starting line for 300m hurdles and I continued from there. I might have found 300m starting line as well but there was nothing written there so I decided to stick with my hurdle line.
61, 60, 60, 60, 61; 60, 60, 60, 60, 60
It was pretty easy. These workouts are so much easier with walking rests instead on jogging rests and with fresh legs since that's what you get when you do my mileage:)
It is only 6.8miles so far for this week, so I guess I will not get to 11 by the end of this week. I have not really thought that throught and planned my runs.
Plan was to swim afterwards but I kind of forgot about it. I mean, I brought all my swimming stuff with me to the track but then I started stretching after the workout and well, I forgot that I need to be careful about pool closing time so by the time I got to the pool it was too late to do the swim workout. So I will just move it to tomorrow.
I did legs weights instead.
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