Let's start from the beginning.
I somehow realized that I enjoy doing my workouts early in the morning and than have rest of the day free for...school. Blah. Ok, just kidding. For fun stuff. Ok, both.
I know that for some people being at the track at 7:20ish is late but for me it is early. (When I was at high school, I used to double couple times a week and had to get up at 5am before school so I could do the second workout after school. And it was ME who has prescribed that to myself. Nobody forced me to do that. Where are those times?).
3 x 4 x 400m at faster than 5k pace w/ 1min rec jog btw intervals and 400m jog btw sets. It went pretty smoothly, no WOW workout (like the one on Tuesday), just a regular so-so workout. I did all of them in 1:28-29 range. So right on pace, well maybe little fast.
Then rushed to class.
Weights after class. I was the ONLY GIRL in section with equipement for upper body. Isn't that just weird? All girls were at cardio machines and few of them doing legs stuff. But no single one doing upper body stuff (except crunches). And of course all guys were doing upper body stuff and only few of them doing lower body weights. Come on. What's up with wanting having huge chest and biceps and tiny skinny legs?
But of course, I should not be the one judging because at my current rate I might be the one with huge quads and skinny tiny arms:)
Then swim afterwards. It just feels so good. I realized that I love swimming. Before I was not that into it because I HATE water in my eyes. But since I bought new goggles that do not leak (why nobody told me that goggles start to leak eventually? Mine were like 7 years old...) it is awesome. Of course I did not swim hard or long, just to loosen up a bit.
Then I went to sign myself for "international students" volleybal intramural team. And I am not sure how all that happened but I am a team captain. Obviously, being the captain does not depend on your volleyball skills, but on leadership skills:) That's what I like to tell myself.
Unfortunatelly we do not have our matches schedule yet and therefore it might happen that I will not be able to play (and will have to give up my capitancy) because of conflicting classes. But let's hope it will not happen.
I have a class in one hour that runs from 4pm to 7pm and I think I might fall asleep. I hope the prof is either very passionate speaker ot extremely hot. I prefer a combination of both.
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