You know how my left ITB was itching a bit on Saturday so I had to shorten my run and then also ran less on Sunday but it did not hurt at all, shorter run was just a prevention.
So I was supposed to do 1200s workout today but the track was closed because soccer match was played there.
Hm, I had to decide what to do. 11 miles on Tuesday at 7:30pm just did not sound right but better than on Friday at 5am. So 11 miles it was. I felt awesome, no pain at all. The only problem was that I was not prepared for this...I did not wear knee bandage. (I am not sure about the logic behind this, but when I wear a bandage under my knee, ITB does not hurt.)
No ITB problem, not at all until around 7 miles and then bam! It did not hurt, I juts got this feeling in that area. I stopped immediately because I knew that feeling and knew that if I continue it will get worse. So I just walk 4 miles back, no pain but I was not going to force it.
What's the deal with this??? Are ITBs like Achilles' heels that when you have a problem with one you can expect to have a problem with the other one very soon. Does it mean that now a one-year long Odyssey of on and off running starts? I really do not know what to do. I have never ever had any running related problems when I was in Slovakia. Then when I came to the US I had one small problem with ITB but nothing serious and slight stress fractures in shins. Then I moved to France and all those right ITB issues started. I did not even run on roads. I ran mile to a park and then ran there and then 1 mile back. So how did this happen?
And now I do not even run that much. I have run only 5 days a week past few weeks and my mileage has not been that high. SO WHAT'S WRONG?!? And it is LEFT ITB this time!
Maybe I just felt so good that I stopped being cautious. Not enough stretching, icing etc. But I went to pool to loosen up after all workouts. But not last week since it was closed. Maybe that's the reason.
I am going to ice and stretch as crazy and pray that it goes away and never come back. Maybe I am just not supposed to be a long distance runner. But that's bullshit, c'mon, everybody can be a long distance runner.
OK, let's see how it feels in days to come.
Quebec City for Scott's Wedding
1 week ago