I was not online the last day of February so I need to write this as addition to actual post:
February mileage: 253k (158miles)
Mileage total (2010): 541k
Mileage by weeks:
1-7 107k
8-14 100.5k
15-21 44.5k ITBand 20 Feb
22-28 1k
Walking: 57k
Bike: indoor: 6.5h outdoor:70.5k
Volleyball: 14h
Weights: 7x
Push Ups Challenge: 1st Week total 100
Original post ----------------------------------------------
Quote of the day: "The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow."
Nothing much going on running-wise. I did not bike or run today, I am too lazy. It is weekend, come on...
I spent this morning and part of the afternoon in class (blah!!!) and then the rest of the day looking for company contacts since I need to find a summer internship. I want to do it in the US, which will be pretty hard to find I think. If you know about something (anything), let me know!
Well, no miracle happened last night. I slept through the hockey game and I am glad I did because I would be really upset during first 2 thirds and then way too nervous and excited for the last one. So it is better this way. Now shake it off and let's kick Finish ass (let's hope they are crashed after yesterday's semifinals- 5 goals in 6 minutes...who wouldn't be crashed?!?)
And our bobsleigh...they remind me of "Cool runnings" movie:) But what do your expect- one 400m runner, one weightlifter, one businessman and I do not know the last one. But they are ok, nothing broken, only the sleigh is slightly totaled:)
Quebec City for Scott's Wedding
1 week ago