Friday, December 24, 2010

I made it!

I just ate a very good Xmas dinner with my mom and dad, not at the airport, cool.

I finally managed to board a plane direction Europe this morning. Well, last morning in the US. First flight was very unevenful, 11hours, 4 movies.

Then fun began in Amsterdam when they started boarding but then they announced that there is a technical difficulty with the airplane so everyone out. Seriously???
Fortunatelly we departed an hour or so later and arrived to Vienna.

I am starting to feel sleepy so I should probably hit the sack.

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!


  1. Congratulations! Merry Christmas and have fun on the 26th. Let me know how it goes.

  2. That is great, Mmmonyka! I sounds like you and I both were beginning to doubt if you would make it there - the way travel has been recently. I'm so happy you got to spend Christmas with loved ones :). Hope you got some good sleep, too.
