I really needed to get it done, because my bike workouts were pretty much just tralala rides without purpose but now that I know my FTP I will feel more motivated to do real workouts.
As I mentioned before, I thought my powermeter was not reading right because it read under 100W for all my rides and a tiny part of me was horrified that it might actually be where I am right now. But after my power was 103W after 2' of my test I knew it was not right. So I took the pedals off (I use Favero powermeter pedals), put them back on, calibrated everything and voila!, numbers are more reasonable now. Pheeeew! I was worried there is something wrong with my powermeter.

So the test:
I only did 20' test this time but plan on doing x20' in 2 weeks.
20' was enough today.
Avg power: 212W
Avg cadence: 74
I warmed up for 15', did one stride and started the test. Stopped after 2' to fix the pedals; not sure how long it took but I guess less than 10'. Pedaled for 5' to get legs moving again and started the test again.
I started very conservatively since I had no idea what I can do. I was at 203W avg at 10' and then built up from there. I told myself that every pedal stroke must hurt at least a little bit (and yes, they did hurt, esp last 2'!), only then I am doing it right.
I was staring at baby monitor the whole time hoping it will go off and I must "conveniently" stop and go tend to Alex:) But no such luck. She slept right through it, I even had time for a protein shake.
I am pleased with today. Power was not great but considering I havent done anything fast on a bike for over a year and dont know how to push and suffer and that I had no idea what I can do, I am happy with it. I know it will improve.
I am mostly happy that I have a benchmark now.
I would like to do another FTP test in 2 weeks, this time 2x20' and I hope to be able to hold a higher power just because I will have a number to beat and I will be used to faster riding/suffering.
Btw, I have been here for 5 years now. This is the longest I have been in one place since 2005 when I started college. And this is the most boring place of all the places I have been but it is part of adulting I suppose. I made a choice not to move to India with an infant so I am staying here for a few more years.
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